Strain information
 NBRP Rat No: 0668  Strain name: F344-Sv2am1Kyo  Commmon Name: Rat Genome Database
Principal Investigator:  Tadao Serikawa  Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University       Yoshidakonoe-cho, Sakyo-ku    606-8501 Kyoto     JAPAN
Tel: 075-753-4360    Fax: 075-753-4409 Email:
Preservation Status:   Embryo        Sperm       Living Animals ../images/Photos/SV2A/2251-2a.jpg ../images/Photos/SV2A/2251a.jpg
Coat Color  albino (c)
Inbred Generations  
Usage Restrictions  The recipient of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE shall obtain a prior written consent on use of it from the DEPOSITOR.
For a commercial use of this resource, a new contract must be concluded between the depositor and the recipient.
Genetic Status
 Inbred  Segregating  Congenic  Consomic  Recombinant
 Coisogenic  Spont. Mutant  Transgene  Ind. Mutant  Category Other 
Comercial Availability
Research Category
 Diabetes Obesity  Neurobiology  Ophthalmology  Dentistry  Cardio Hypertension
 Cancer  Metabolism  Otorhinology  Immunology  Infectious
 Osteosis  Internal Organ  Dermatology  Reproduction  Development
 Behavior  Hematology  Urology  Pharmacology  Research Area Others 
 Control Strain  Marker Strain
Gene Affected Sv2a : synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2a
Origin Established by ENU mutagenesis (gene-driven). This strain has misssense mutation (L174Q)in Sv2a gene.
Strain characteristics Sv2aL174Q(F344-Sv2am1Kyo) is a novel rat model carrying the missense mutation (L174Q) in the Sv2a gene encoding the synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A. Sv2aL174Q rats show normal appearance and grow well, however, they are sensitive to seizure induction by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, GABAA antagonist). Sv2aL174Q rats are also very susceptible to the kindling development induced by repeated treatment with PTZ or electrical stimulation of the amygdala. Neurochemical studies reveal that depolarization-evoked synaptic GABA release is impaired in the hippocampus and amygdala of Sv2aL174Q rats.
Breeding Conditions Good breeding performance
References Ohno Y, Tokudome K
Therapeutic role of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) in modulating epileptogenesis.
CNS Neurol. Disord. Drug Targets, 16:463-471, 2017

Tokudome K, Okumura T, Terada R, Shimizu S, Kunisawa N, Mashimo T, Serikawa T, Sasa M, Ohno Y.
A Missense Mutation of the Gene Encoding Synaptic Vesicle Glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) Confers Seizure Susceptibility by Disrupting Amygdalar Synaptic GABA Release.
Front Pharmacol. 2016 Jul 14;7:210.

Tokudome K, Okumura T, Shimizu S, Mashimo T, Takizawa A, Serikawa T, Terada R, Ishihara S, Kunisawa N, Sasa M, Ohno Y.
Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) regulates kindling epileptogenesis via GABAergic neurotransmission.
Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 6;6:27420.
Additional strain information