Strain information
 NBRP Rat No: 0708  Strain name: SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm  Commmon Name: SPrch1_18 Rat Genome Database
Principal Investigator:  Tohru Nabika  Shimane University, School of Medicine       89-1 Enya-cho, Izumo    693-8901 Shimane     Japan
Tel: 0853-20-2136    Fax: 0853-20-2135 Email:
Preservation Status:   Embryo        Sperm       Living Animals
Coat Color  白
Inbred Generations  F11
Usage Restrictions  Recipients are requested to obtain a written approval of the depositor.
Genetic Status
 Inbred  Segregating  Congenic  Consomic  Recombinant
 Coisogenic  Spont. Mutant  Transgene  Ind. Mutant  Category Other 
Comercial Availability
Research Category
 Diabetes Obesity  Neurobiology  Ophthalmology  Dentistry  Cardio Hypertension
 Cancer  Metabolism  Otorhinology  Immunology  Infectious
 Osteosis  Internal Organ  Dermatology  Reproduction  Development
 Behavior  Hematology  Urology  Pharmacology  Research Area Others 
 Control Strain  Marker Strain
Gene Affected
Origin A double congenic strain made by introducing segments of chromosome 1 and 18 from SHR/Izm into SHRSP/Izm.
Strain characteristics Hypertension. The incidence rate of a stroke caused by salt loading is drastically reduced in this rat than in SHRSP rat.
Breeding Conditions
Additional strain information