Strain information
 NBRP Rat No: 0718  Strain name: LEA-Tp53tm1(AmCyan1)Ncco  Commmon Name: p53 mutant rat, LEA-p53-KO(AmCyan1/IRES/Neo)3NCCRI Rat Genome Database
Principal Investigator:  Takahiro Ochiya  Tokyo Medical University Institute of Medical Science        6-7-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjyuku-ku,     160-0023 Tokyo      Japan
Tel: 03-3342-6111    Fax:  Email:
Preservation Status:   Embryo        Sperm       Living Animals
Coat Color  茶色
Inbred Generations  不明
Usage Restrictions  In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
The recipient is requested to cite the literature designated by the DEPOSITOR.
Sci Rep. 2012;2:945.
Kawamata M, Ochiya T.
Two distinct knockout approaches highlight a critical role for p53 in rat.
Genetic Status
 Inbred  Segregating  Congenic  Consomic  Recombinant
 Coisogenic  Spont. Mutant  Transgene  Ind. Mutant  Category Other 
Comercial Availability
Research Category
 Diabetes Obesity  Neurobiology  Ophthalmology  Dentistry  Cardio Hypertension
 Cancer  Metabolism  Otorhinology  Immunology  Infectious
 Osteosis  Internal Organ  Dermatology  Reproduction  Development
 Behavior  Hematology  Urology  Pharmacology  Research Area Others 
 Control Strain  Marker Strain
Gene Affected p53遺伝子を欠損。CAG promoter, AmCyan1, IRES, neo, pA 遺伝子がノックインにより組み込まれている。
Origin LEA rats were provided fron Kyoto Bioresource Center in 2006. Then LEA rat ES cells having Oct4-Venus gene and Oct4-Venus Tg rat strain (LEA-Tg(Pou5f1-YFP*)3Ncco) were established. ES cells were establised from Oct4-Venus Tg rat, p53 heterozygous-ES cells were made by gene targeting method and finally p53-heterozygous rat strain (LEA-Tp53tm1(AmCyan1)Ncco) was established by germline transmission. Deposited p53-heterozygous rats do not have Oct4-Venus. Vector: AmCyan1 (Clontech)
Strain characteristics AmCyan1 expression under CAG-promoter and deletion of p53 gene expression. Almost all p53 heterozygous rats die of tumor within one year of age.
Breeding Conditions mating between heterozygous rats
Genotyping PCR analysis wild type PCR product: 207 bp product Forward: GGAGGGAAGGGTATCACACA Reverse: CACCAGCTCACCAAGGCCTA Mutant PCR product: about 1100 bp Forward: ATTCGCAGCGCATCGCCTTCT Reverse: GCTGGAGATATGGGTGGGTC KOD version2 (TOYOBO) 94℃: 2 min, 35 cycles (98℃: 20 sec, 62℃: 20 sec, 68℃: 1 min), 68℃: 5 min, 4℃
References Kawamata M, Ochiya T. Generation of genetically modified rats from embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 10;107(32):14223-8.

Kawamata M, Ochiya T. Two distinct knockout approaches highlight a critical role for p53 in rat development. Sci Rep 2012 2: 945
Additional strain information