Strain information
 NBRP Rat No: 0262  Strain name: BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K  Commmon Name: BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3) Rat Genome Database
Principal Investigator:  Ingrid Kloting  University of Greifswald       Greifswalder Str. 11    17495 Karlsburg     Germany
Tel: +4938348619261    Fax: +4938348619111 Email:
Preservation Status:   Embryo        Sperm       Living Animals
Coat Color  albino (a,b,c,h)
Inbred Generations  N8F8
Usage Restrictions  In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
Genetic Status
 Inbred  Segregating  Congenic  Consomic  Recombinant
 Coisogenic  Spont. Mutant  Transgene  Ind. Mutant  Category Other 
Comercial Availability
Research Category
 Diabetes Obesity  Neurobiology  Ophthalmology  Dentistry  Cardio Hypertension
 Cancer  Metabolism  Otorhinology  Immunology  Infectious
 Osteosis  Internal Organ  Dermatology  Reproduction  Development
 Behavior  Hematology  Urology  Pharmacology  Research Area Others 
 Control Strain  Marker Strain
Gene Affected
Origin Congenic BB.6S rats were established by cross of BB/OK and SHR/Mol rats and repeated backcrossing onto BB/OK rats in 2000.
Strain characteristics Diabetes frequency is significantly decreased in comparison with parental BB/OK rats (15 vs. 86%).Animals are heavier and serum lipids are increased compared with BB/OK.
Breeding Conditions
References Kloting I, Schmidt S, Kovacs P.
Mapping of novel genes predisposing or protecting diabetes development in the BB/OK rat.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Apr 17;245(2):483-6.

Kloting I, Van Den Brandt J, Kovács P.
Quantitative trait loci for blood glucose confirm diabetes predisposing and protective genes, Iddm4 and Iddm5r, in the spontaneously diabetic BB/OK rat.
Int J Mol Med. 1998 Nov;2(5):597-601.

Kloting I, van den Brandt J, Kuttler B.
Genes of SHR rats protect spontaneously diabetic BB/OK rats from diabetes: lessons from congenic BB.SHR rat strains.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 May 4;283(2):399-405.
Additional strain information BB SHR