 NBRP Rat No: 0260  系統名: BB/OK  通称: Rat Genome Database
研究責任者:  Ingrid Kloting         University of Greifswald        〒17495         
Tel: +4938348619261    Fax: +4938348619111 Email: kloeting@uni-greifswald.de
保存状況:   胚            精子           生体 ../images/Photos/BB_OK/BB_OK_1024.jpg
毛色  albino (a,b,c,h)
近交世代数  F62
利用条件  利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって謝辞の表明を必要とする。
 Inbred  Segregating  Congenic  Consomic  Recombinant
 Coisogenic  Spont. Mutant  Transgene  Ind. Mutant  その他 
 糖尿病・肥満  脳神経疾患  眼疾患  歯科疾患  循環器系疾患・高血圧
 がん・腫瘍  代謝、内分泌  耳鼻疾患  免疫・アレルギー疾患  感染症
 骨形態異常  消化器疾患  皮膚疾患  生殖器疾患  発生
 行動・学習  血液疾患  泌尿器疾患  薬理学  その他  
 対照動物  レポーター遺伝子動物
由来 1983年にカナダ・オタワ州のBio Breeding Laboratoriesで飼育していた非近交系動物を、ドイツのKarlsburgに持ち込み近親交配を始めた。
特性など 80-100%の雌雄ラットが、30~90日齢の間に1型糖尿病を自然発症する。
参考文献 Stark,O.,Kloting,I.,Reiher,K. and K.D. Kohnert
The major histocompatibility complex and insulin-dependent diabetes in BB rats. Acta biol.med. germ.41,1982,1129-1133

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Kloting, I., O. Stark and H.J. Hahn
Animal model of the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in BB rats: Their RT1u homogeneity and prolonged survival of allogeneic skin grafts. Folia Biol.30,1984,24-32

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Incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in BB rats: Their genetic heterogeneity and susceptibility to infection. Folia Biol.30,1984,33-42

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Results of the local graft-versus-host reaction support the immunogenetic concept of the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in BB rats. Folia Biol.30,1984,202-208

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Einige Aspekte zur Haltung und Reproduktion spontandiabetischer BB-Ratten. Z.Versuchstierkd.27,1985,5-12

Kloting, I. and O. Stark
Occurrence of antibodies against gene products of the major histocompatibility complex in normal sera of diabetes-prone BB rats. Folia Biol.31,1985,34-37

Kloting, I. and O. Stark
Genetic studies of IDDM in BB rats: The incidence of diabetes in F2 and first backcross hybrids allows rejection of recessive hypothesis. Exp.Clin.Endocrinol.89,1987,312-318

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Cell-mediated immune reactions against islets of Langerhans in diabetes-prone BB rats. Exp.Clin.Endocrinol.89,1987,290-296

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Lucke, S., Kloting, I., Pusch, A., Heinrich, H.W. and H.J. Hahn
Endocrine pancreas histology of congenic BB-Rat strains with reduced diabetes incidence after genetic manipulation on chromosomes 4, 6 and X. Autoimmunity 36, 2003, 143-149

Hahn, H.J., Lucke, S., Kloting, I. and W. Besch
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系統情報 BB