Various information on all available rat strains as well as the NBRP order numbers can be obtained from our catalogue and database pages.
NBRP Rat Number:  
Strain name:  
Principal Investigator:  
Zip Code:  
Specific Purpouse
       of Research:
Order Information
1. Rat strain application
Last Update: Jul. 29, 2020
Rat strains can be ordered by clicking on the order button on the strain's information page. Alternatively, strain name and NBRP-Rat Number can be filled into the form to the left along with some order information. We will contact you by email after confirm its availability. Note, if there is no NBRP number listed in the strain's information page, there won't be any order button and such strain can not be shipped at the moment.

Search Rat Strains *Not only various rat strains are available from our resource center, but also multiple ways to find the most appropriate strain for your research. The general database lists a wide range of information on all available strains at NBRP Rat. This includes data on specific strain characteristics, the usual research area in which a particular strain is used for, data on the origin or if available on the affected gene that is responsible for the phenotypic modifications. More specific information are available from our original genotyping or phenotyping databases. The genome database allows for an on the fly estimation of how close several rat lines are genetically related to each other, whereas the data from our phenome project provide the to date most comprehensive overview on physiological and behavioral parameters for more than 160 rat strains from all over the world.
2. How to get the rat strain / required documentation
3.Distribution Fees and Shipping Cost
4.Contact Information